Call Us Today At (724) 735-2978

Reliable Septic Tank Cleaning Western PA

It is fast, friendly and reliable septic service that you are looking for, then K & M Septic Tank Cleaning is the company for you. We are experienced and dedicated to satisfying our customers’ needs. We value our customers and are always striving to do the best job possible!


Do you delay getting your septic tank cleaned because you dread the awful digging involved? No worries! K&M offers the installation of septic lid risers to bring the lid as close to the surface as you would like. Septic lids make finding your septic lid a “no thinking matter” and allow you to easily access whenever you need to!

Our team is the destination for all of your septic service needs. We give free estimates to our customers. Give us a call today.

We Offer The Following Services:

Services provided in: Butler, Lawrence, Mercer, and Venago counties Pennsylvania.

Residential Septic System Clean

We services various all sorts of residential homes.

Commercial Septic System Clean

We services are extended to businesses with septic tanks.

Holding Tank Clean

If you are in need of a holding tank clean just give us a call and we will work out the details with you.

Waste Treatment Plant Pumping

If you are in need of a waste treatment pumping just give us a call and we will work out the details with you.

Installation of Septic Lid Risers

If you are in need of a septic lid riser just give us a call and we will work out the details with you.

Grease Trap Pumping

If you are in need of grease pumping just give us a call and we will work out the details with you.

Grease Trap Maintance Program

If you are in need of grease trap maintance just give us a call and we will work out the details with you.

Neighborhood Refferal Program

Know someone who is in need of our service? Give us a call to hear about our referral prgoram